Hey guys .
I know I've raved about Max for quite some time , so I thought I'd share where I learned how to use it from . Its an amazing website with FREE HD 101 tutorials for Max made by a guy named Eric Maslowski . He's an amazing & highly experienced person & also helps around in the forums in case any of you might have any questions ( even Zbrush , Photoshop or Compositing related ) . He's actually a licensed Max trainer . The website is http://lounge.ego-farms.com/index.php . My nick on it is Wolfranium .
You can join even if you don't use Max . For example , if you want to get a critique on your work in progress . There are so many tutorials there that cover almost every aspect of 3D related stuff ( modeling , texturing , simulation , compositing ..etc etc ) , you'll definitely benifit from joining . We all know by now that Maya isn't the only package out there , especially after our little visit to glassworks , so knowing another package can't hurt . Max is quite close to Maya in many ways , so its not difficult to learn it & have it under your belt & in your CVs ;) . So if you guys thought you might wanna learn anything Max related ( for example if the company you want to work for uses it ) , then Ego Lounge is the place to go .
Eric also made a new DVD release that is comparable to the online tutorials we got at escape ( albiet for a much cheaper price & you get to keep it , heheheee , found here : http://lounge.egofarms.com/showthread.php?t=2202 . If anyone is worth my money , this guy sure is ;) .
Take care guys & I hope to see you someday in good health , GOD willing :D .
Aziz, thanks for the tip, i'll be checking this out for sure.
ReplyDeleteSure thing bro . ;)